Emergency Dentist – Chicago, IL

Fast Pain Relief, Lasting Results

Dental emergencies are notoriously stressful to handle because they always happen when you least expect them to. That’s why we recommend that all of our patients have our number programmed into their phone. Our team of emergency dentists in Chicago has collective decades of experience addressing dental pain and emergency situations, so you can trust that not only are we good under pressure, but we’re also effective and efficient when it comes to getting you out of pain. If you find yourself in the middle of a dental emergency, call United Dental Centers of Chicago immediately!

Woman who needs emergency dentist in Chicago holding her jaw in pain

Why Choose United Dental Centers of Chicago for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Appointments for Dental Emergencies
  • Team of Dentists with Collective Decades of Experience
  • Family Owned & Operated Dental Practice

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Woman in dental chair holding side of her face in pain

The first thing you should always do if you’re experiencing a dental emergency is to call our dental office. We’ll provide you with first aid guidance to help minimize your discomfort as well as prevent additional damage from occurring. Upon arriving at our office, we’ll conduct a thorough examination and possibly X-rays, if needed. This will help us make a diagnosis so we can put together a treatment plan to permanently address the problem at-hand. Finally, once we get your consent, we’ll move forward with our plan and repair your grin!

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Over the decades that we’ve been servicing our community, we’ve helped thousands of patients get out of pain and restore their smiles. Some of the most common emergency dental situations that we treat are listed below, but a good rule of thumb we go by is that if you’re experiencing out-of-the-ordinary pain or discomfort, give us a call.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

Man talking to dental team member at desk

There’s no set price associated with a dental emergency visit because several important cost-impacting factors won’t be determined until we have a better understanding of your situation. Once we conduct an examination, we’ll be able to make a diagnosis and put together a treatment plan. This will allow us to provide you with a detailed estimate so you know exactly what to expect cost-wise. If you have any questions or concerns about pricing or payment, our dental team is always happy to help!

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Young woman flossing her teeth

While there’s no way to completely avoid a dental emergency, there are several steps you could take to minimize your chances of needing to visit your emergency dentist in Chicago. These include:

  • Attend two dental checkups and cleanings a year.
  • Avoid chewing and biting on hard objects, like pencils, or excessively hard foods.
  • Maintain a good at-home oral hygiene routine.
  • Wear a protective mouthguard if you play sports or grind your teeth.