Gum Disease Treatment – Chicago, IL

Stopping the Harmful Effects of Gum Disease

At United Dental Centers of Chicago, we have a periodontist on-staff to help patients suffering from any severity of gum disease control and even reverse their symptoms. Periodontal (gum) disease is a common condition that’s estimated to impact one out of two adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Our team’s goal is to spot the signs early on to restore the health of your gums, but in cases where the disease has progressed past reversal, we can also help control the infection to minimize additional damage to your smile with gum disease treatment in Chicago.

Why Choose United Dental Centers of Chicago for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • Experienced Periodontist on Staff
  • Family Owned & Operated Dental Practice
  • We Accept & Maximize Dental Insurance

What is Gum Disease?

Close up of person with red gums who needs gum disease treatment in Chicago

Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is a common oral health condition that impacts nearly half of the population. When bacteria overrun the mouth, it can cause a gum infection that compromises the strength and health of the foundation of your teeth, leading to symptoms like bleeding gums when you brush or floss, gum recession, chronic bad breath, and even loose or missing teeth.

The condition has two stages: gingivitis, which is the early stage, and periodontitis, which is late-stage gum disease. In most cases, gingivitis can be reversed, while periodontitis can be managed to prevent worsening symptoms.

Scaling & Root Planing

Animated dental tool removing plaque from teeth

Scaling and root planing is a two-step process for treating gum disease. First, your periodontist will thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth, as far down as the pockets of the gums. They’ll then smooth out the roots of the teeth, removing any hardened bacteria deposits. This will allow your healthy gum tissue to reattach to your teeth, protecting the roots from bacteria.